Thursday, January 31, 2008

I haven't cooked in so long, all my garlic was soffffft
I have added yet another unfinished painting to my repertoire, at least this one hasn't yet made it to my closet, almost entered an art show, then chickened out
glued to cnn, debates, very exciting, historical
again, I ask myself, what am I gonna be when I grow up? this time, i'm not scared, i'm optimistic, the world looks very different, hopeful
there's a camel head sticking out of my wall

Thursday, January 17, 2008

my new favorite show = My Big Redneck Wedding on CMT

(are y'all glad you don't live with me anymore??)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

he seemed to delight in his own cruelty
the tears verifying his wit
amused by the trusting fool before him
her heart in a puddle at his feet

(don't worry this is not about you, you're not the mascot)

Monday, December 10, 2007

ladies...I have a sweep

AND I bought a TWENTY-TWO x TWENTY-EIGHT inch canvas!!
it's just sitting on my table
and i'm scared to death
we're having a stare down
but i'll win
letcha know how it goes ;)

Monday, November 5, 2007

an old man in the grocery store told me I was a beautiful woman and I wanted to hug him
whether he was dirty or senile or has a poor grasp of the english language
lately, I've only been described as tired, sick, bored, or post-call
yeah, that's the best
walk in, just woke up an hour ago, all showered, ready to go, and someone says 'aw man, how was your call last night'
much akin to asking someone if they are pregnant
which!! by the way, I was just asked last month
granted I was sitting down
but what the hey, man

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I think I see my neon sign

Tug can now,
jump up
grab the tops of drawers
and hang on as they slowly slide out
he's nuts

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

----deep breath---