Thursday, January 11, 2007

i'm a slacker blogger of late

i'm in charleston and they're playing all my favorite songs on the classic rock station
is that a sign??

plus i have sort of a light and airy feeling
maybe it's the hotel, i'm right on the charleston bay, top floor
it's beautiful and crisp and sunshiney :)

i don't even wanna talk about Little Rock...
Savannah good, more later :)


Anonymous said...

i thought little rock was okay? going there next wed...

Anonymous said...

miss your skinny butt.

you come home next weekend?

you like all the states where people talk sloooow.

lightie said...

i loved little rock so much that it's too painful to talk about because i know they'd never let me in...

i'm a'comin home on the 20th? 21st? i'll be in Baton Rouge for a little while...