this is the good stuff
southeast swamp-before-the-sea

still water
thick swampy woods
and snakes

this sorrrta looks like central florida
except maybe not so many skinny trees that close together
but swampy, thick, palmettos
add some cypress, oaks, and moss

this is the view from my hotel room in Charleston

odd couple?

She said, Go down King Street and stop in the first place that smells good to you this is me in a Greek diner on King Street.

This lady I will never forget. She lives in part of an old church building right in the middle of
Charleston. Olllld skinny, two-story wood houses with peeling white paint, people leaning against buildings, stray dogs. Her place had old, sloping wood & linoleum floors, painted shut windows, no overhead lights just lamps, the shower was in a free standing tub and the ceiling was so low in the bathroom I couldn't stand up straight. She marches on Market Street to protest the war every Saturday. She carries signs and cards with the names of all the deceased soldiers. She'd lived all over the US, mostly in communes on little farms. She used to own a cloth diaper business. She was a school teacher in the Netherlands. She has two sons and 4 grandsons. She had ill-fitting dentures traced in the black rot that lay underneath. She is an active member of a kabillion internet peace sites. She plays bass. She felt comfortable enough to tell me a lot of personal things. She doesn't really have it all together, but she has a good heart. She talked about leaving Charleston, moving closer to her sons, and I think she should. I trusted her, but not her affiliations. I took a knife from her kitchen and slept with it that night, jussst in case they stopped by.

this was my room and my bed. The bags are the cloth diapers she's trying to sell on E-bay.

I don't know why this bird reminds me of Capone...

1 comment:
wow i feel like i went on that trip with you. glad your home!
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