Monday, January 15, 2007

Little Rock

ok, so Little Rock...
it was so impressive, I just hate to even talk about it cuz it ain't happenin
the hospital was just unreal, so up-to-date, everything geared toward kids, fantastic 3-D artwork on the walls, kids' artwork everywhere, high-tech everything, the faculty and residents were SO nice and got along SO well (and their reputation gives them the right to be arrogant, but they're not!) AND the program is big, but it doesn't seem like an anonymous doctor factory like that makes call really nice
surprisingly, there are tons of Texas people there
6/7 of the applicants that day were from Texas
one of the interns said he'd made it to every Aggie home game this season, that's pretty impressive for an intern...
and i just love Arkansas, it's soooooo pretty
Little Rock's not that pretty, it's just a poor city, but I still like it, lots of old houses, I love old buildings, AND Clinton is from's nice
and there's a huge farmers market twice a week down by the river, plus some of the residents have a bimonthly potluck thingy...and since i love love love to cook, that would be fun
I got a private tour of the PICU and met the ICU docs
AND they're the only children's hospital in the whole state plus they catch kids in states surrounding Arkansas, too
AND you can go on transports including helicopter!!

however, i'm not going to talk about it ANYMORE

I stayed with a girl in LR, ex-military, works for the power company
she lives in an olllld building that's been fixed up, hardwood floors, the old kinda windows that are painted shut and have that echoey shudder if you tap them, she lived a block from the governor's mansion, two kitty kitties, she seems to have lived everywhere and traveled everywhere, I feel like such a homebody
she cooked us lasagna and then we walked to a nearby bar in the misting cool
the houses were out of this world, old, individual, a church converted into apartments, what would it be like to live in a church? sidewalks cracked into exaggerated angles by roots of oak trees
we saw a live band called The Honkies
they were really great, southern rock/bluegrass, harmonica and steel guitar, and this one 'guest' singer, she was so amazing! a smallish girl but she belted out Johnny Cash and everyone was just absorbed in her talent, no gimmicks she just stood there and swayed to her beat and sang her little heart out

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you know my dad went to med school in little rock, right?