Saturday, December 9, 2006


so i'll start with Lexington...
nice to begin in a familiar city with a program i really like
got to stop at the best bbq place ever, hot bourbon bbq sauce, mmmm
the night before, going to dinner with residents, i ran into one of my classmates in the lobby!
(there are tons of pedi people in my class)
she and her husband are couples matching (stressful) and she hasn't been home since before Thanksgiving, poor baby

it was really cold, and when they told us we were walking from the hotel to the restaurant, my thought bubble said, 'are you kidding!'
turns out the restaurant was right next door, so i scurried and i was ok
classmate taught me how to tie a scarf the real way (she was just in chicago, she said it was slushy)

one of the applicants brought her dad to dinner, it was fun to have a 'dad' there, we didn't have to talk about only med stuff, and he was funny, joke-y, had good stories

i love sleeping in giant fluffy white beds

we took a shuttle to the hospital next morning
fun to see the residents again, they're so great
the interviews were easy-going and positive and wonderful
the program director is from San Antonio, and she is fantastic and warm and supportive
my other interview was with a critical care attending, which is what i wanna do
when she was an intern in Houston, my residency director was her chief
small world

they have a great facility and UK is an impressive school as well
i love Lexington, it is so beautiful there

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